Our Practice
Criminal Litigation
We represent our clients in all matters related to criminal proceedings concerning white-collar crime and non-financial high impact offenses, both at the federal and local levels, and before the prosecution offices and the courts as defendants and victims of offenses.
Constitutional litigation related to criminal matters
As a complement to our criminal practice, we incorporate constitutional litigation at the federal level for the correction of any fundamental rights’ violation stemming from prosecutorial and judicial activity in the context of the proceedings entrusted in our charge.
Extradition Proceedings
We accompany, consult and represent clients involved in passive and active extradition proceedings, from the moment of provisional detention and throughout the judicial and executive phases of the procedure.
We have appeared in foreign courts as expert witnesses in criminal and constitutional law. Our participations have always produced positive outcomes in support of dismissal requests.
We are experts in constitutional litigation against acts of authority related to extradition procedures.
Litigation before the Universal and Inter-American Human Rights Systems
We represent our clients in proceedings before the United Nations Human Rights’ System and the Inter-American Human Rights’ System both in requesting provisional measures as well as in contentious processes. We also generate incidence strategies before specialized international mechanisms such as thematic and special rapporteurs’ offices and High Level Working Groups in order to incorporate an international dimension to our practice.
Consultancy and Crime Prevention
Accounting for the possibility of allocation of criminal responsibility to businesses and corporations, the Firm has centered on the detection of corporate risks and criminal liabilities, which are precluded with the design and implementation of strategies to ensure adequate corporate government.
Pro Bono
In the context of our practice and within our range of expertise we contribute, from the Fundación Olmedo & Torres A.C., to the resolution of conflicts aiming to repair the social fabric. To that end, we deploy litigation and incidence strategies in socially relevant issues such as social reinsertion of persons formerly deprived of their liberty, judicial independence, rule of law, civil and political rights and economic, social, cultural and environmental rights, among others.